Recreational Gymnastics
Gym Jam (school age recreational program)
Student/Instructor Ratio (8:1)
Girls 6 and up
At Cartwheels, we put a great emphasis on skill building and progression. Our recreational girls program is broken down into three different levels. This ensures that every gymnast is in a class appropriate to her skill level which aides in faster learning. We strive to teach children gymnastics in a progressive and FUN manner. We want them to LOVE what they do here and feel good about it!
Gym Jam Level 1 – This is our 60 minute introductory recreational class. Level 1 gymnasts are introduced to the basics of gymnastics at this level. They learn body shapes and stretches that will help their skill building. Skills such as forward rolls, backward rolls, cartwheels and bridges are core elements that are taught and refined at this level. Level 1 gymnasts will gain experience on all four Olympic events as well as our tumble track, trampoline and foam pit.
Gym Jam Level 1 Cartwheels Card
Gym Jam Level 2 – Once girls refine the required skills at Level 1, they move onto our level 2 class. A 60 minute class that starts to build more advanced skills based on the skills taught at level 1. Gymnasts at this level can expect to learn elements such as bridge kick overs, back bends, round offs, handstands on beam, pull over and back hip circles on bars. Drills for more advanced skills such as back and front hand springs are also introduced at this level.
Gym Jam Level 2 Cartwheels Card
Gym Jam level 3 – Level 3 Gym Jam gymnasts move to a 90 minute class in which they really start to develop a more advanced skill base. Along with advanced skills taught on all four Olympic events, an emphasis on strength building, conditioning and flexibility are also an important element of this level that is worked hard on. Gymnasts can expect to learn round off back handsprings, front hip and mill circles, cartwheels on beam and much more. Level 3 gymnasts are also the first level in which participation in our ‘Exhibition Competition’ is allowed.
Gym Jam Level 3 Cartwheels Card
Gym Jam level 4 – Our highest recreational level at Cartwheels. These gymnasts have shown hard work and dedication to this sport. They train two hours a week and skills are built off of what is learned in level 3. Gymnasts can be expected to learn back tucks, front tucks, layouts, kips, flyaway, back walkovers on beam and much more!
Gym Jam Level 4 Cartwheels Card
Tumbling program 7 and up
Student/Instructor Ratio (8:1)
These classes are for gymnasts, dancers and cheerleaders wanting to develop their tumbling skills. Basic skills and progressions are emphasized which will ultimately lead to faster mastery of more difficult tumbling skills. We also offer an invite only Advanced tumbling program. Tumblers who have mastered a back handspring are invited into this class in which more difficult tumbling elements now become the focus.